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What's the point of a 9-5 lifestyle

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I'll be turning 28 this year and just thinking about an every day life of having to pay taxes, mortgage I find them draining/confusing as if school didn't honestly teach me anything, i have a decent job but my perspective on life is just taking in the beauty that a human gets the chance to roam (non-freely) and experience this planet while passing Wisdom on their travels (at least from an outer world view) the outlook that we were made to live this 9-5 capitalism life is BS. (We literally HAVE to PAY to live on this planet, for what!?!?). The cost of living is so depressing. I hope one day soon there's a revolution

Thanks for reading my little rant / Ted talk.

Edit: If you have any advice on getting through a day-to-day day, that would be much appreciated. If this is the wrong sub to post this, I apologize as well.

Edit edit: I'd like to thank those who gave actual advice instead of belittling me when I'm trying to learn as much as I can. Those that did make snarky comments, I hope you learn one day on how to see from another perspective instead of your own ego. Best of luck! 😘

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It’s wild to me that the comments here are all basically “It’s either work 50 years of your life away to make another person richer and a chance at not working for your last 10 years of life or go live in the woods like an animal you damn hippy” as if there isn’t any alternatives in between these two. Are we not allowed to imagine a better world? To complain of the forced participation in this system?

Yes, work is required for our society to run, but god damned, shouldn’t we be able to have decisions over the fruit of our labor? We are 50x more productive than our ancestors and yet we still work 1/3 of our days away. They have literally dozens of studies that show a reduced work day/week is MORE productive and gives us a greater life to work balance.

Can’t any of you imagine a world where all jobs pay enough to thrive, where you get to choose what kind of labour you’d like to participate in without fear of starving or becoming homeless? Where bullshit jobs are rendered obsolete; Where the workers own the businesses and make decisions about what their time and labor is put into. Is it really so hard to imagine a better alternative to late stage capitalism?

January 6, 2024 | Forum: r/Adulting

What are the biggest lifestyle changes you've made that have benefitted your motivation/inspiration?

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Whether it's music-related or not, what lifestyle changes have made the biggest impact on your motivation and inspiration for making music?

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I would say consistence is most important thing. Getting into it every day even for 1h (although it rarely is 1h at the end turns out 4h later..) and persistence in doing so. Creativity is in my opinion like a brain muscle that has to be excercised. The more often the easier everything gets.

February 26, 2023 | Forum: r/edmproduction

What lifestyle do you envy and why?

Main Post: What lifestyle do you envy and why?

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This is a lifestyle I have fantasized about many times. I still need to learn to surf...

March 13, 2017 | Forum: r/AskReddit

Redditors over 35, what positive lifestyle choices have you made that you recommend for others? How have they impacted your quality of life?

Main Post: Redditors over 35, what positive lifestyle choices have you made that you recommend for others? How have they impacted your quality of life?

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Stop smoking now. Not later.

October 11, 2017 | Forum: r/AskReddit

What lifestyle tweaks have you made that have made a real difference?

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This year I've been looking for minor changes to make in order to see how they affect my lifestyle. So far my most successful experiments (if you can call them that) have included using simple diet changes to drop 20lbs, following a self-imposed ban on physical media and paring my wardrobe down to one repeatable outfit (which I find quite freeing).

What minor changes have you made that have had a significant and positive impact on your life?

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Got rid of all my unsecured debt (credit cards) 2 years ago. I am more careful with how I choose to spend money.

March 19, 2010 | Forum: r/AskReddit

What lifestyle change completely changes your life for the better within a few weeks?

Main Post: What lifestyle change completely changes your life for the better within a few weeks?

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I actually started weeding them out. Deleted Facebook and Twitter off my phone. Still have IG, I've got a bunch of meal prep videos saved on there. It's actually refreshing not seeing all the depressing news every day.

June 29, 2023 | Forum: r/AskReddit